Onmyoji is a visually stunning and intricately crafted role-playing game by the renowned Japanese gaming company, Netease. Set against the backdrop of the Heian Period, the game invites players into a mystical world where humans and spirits coexist. Through this enchanting journey, players will not just engage in epic battles, but also uncover touching and compelling stories of different spirits.
The game introduces spirits with colorful personalities, bringing you back to the capital in Heian Period, eliciting empathy with its meticulous and realistic design.
Onmyoji stands out for its diverse troops tactics, each shikigami displaying distinct abilities and strategies during battle, impacting both the enemy and your own team.
The game allows players to customize their shikigami's soul configuration, experimenting with different attributes and performances to create a unique battle configuration.
Onmyoji offers top-of-the-line exquisite graphics, reflecting the finesse of classical Japanese Ukiyo-e art genre.
How To Play
Every gamer out there should try Onmyoji! It's not just a game about battles, it's about strategy, customizability, and stunning designs that immerse you into a unique world.
From the soundtrack to the voiceovers, the attention to detail in Onmyoji highlights the effort put into the game to create an unforgettable experience. It's more than just a game, it's a piece of interactive art!