Embark on an exciting and thrilling journey with Zombie Catchers: Hunt & Sell. Set in a futuristic world crawling with zombies, the game follows the adventures of A.J. and Bud - two intergalactic businessmen on a mission. Defend the Planet Earth from an undead invasion, hunt down the zombies, cleverly trap them, and most importantly, profit. Sip deliciously blended zombie shakes as your rewards between the intense chase, while basking in the intriguing wasteland setting. This casual, action-packed game is the perfect dose of entertainment while also engaging strategic thinking!
Navigate through the treacherous and eerily beautiful zombie-infested landscape with a diverse set of weapons and traps at your disposal.
Enjoy the whimsical features that include nets, guns, traps and even jetpacks for an unhindered zombie hunt.
Invest your time into building a food empire by creatively utilizing your harvested zombies into juices, candies and snacks for an ever-demanding customer base in your drive-through cafe.
Progress more in your endeavor by unlocking new territories on the map, discovering unique zombies, and strategizing for a bountiful food production.
How To Play
It's a must-try for all gamers because the charm of Zombie Catchers lies in its unique blend of whimsical humor and intense action, which guarantees unlimited fun.
As one of the most engaging action-adventure games on Google Play, Zombie Catchers: Hunt & Sell has definitely lived up to its hype. The strategic elements coupled with an intriguing world setting make every minute enjoyable.