Embark on a journey in the magical world of Disney’s Frozen with the Frozen Adventures App. This game brings to life the enchanting kingdom of Arendelle and its beloved characters - Elsa, Anna, and Olaf in a match 3 puzzle adventure. Enjoy an all-new adventure that expands the Frozen story beyond the films, as you build, renovate, and decorate Arendelle and beyond. The app is inspired by Disney’s Frozen & Frozen 2 movies and lets you explore new and familiar locations around the Frozen world. It combines the thrill of match-3 puzzle games with the joy of designing and decorating a castle, making it a perfect blend of fun and creativity.
Dive into match 3 puzzles that are sure to keep you hooked and entertained for hours on end.
Design and decorate your own kingdom, earn snowflakes to beautify the castle, and make Arendelle look truly grand.
Enjoy interacting and embarking on quests with your favorite Frozen characters like Elsa, Anna, Olaf and more.
Experience the excitement of unlocking special in-game prizes as you solve puzzles and participate in ongoing events.
How To Play
The Frozen Adventures app is a delightful blend of strategy, design, and engaging gameplay that keeps you coming back for more.
Whether you're a fan of Frozen or simply a fan of fun and engaging games, Frozen Adventures offers a captivating experience that's hard to put down.