Embark on a thrilling mind journey with Brain Go 2! Released in 2021, this free tricky puzzle game offers a delightful brew of thought-provoking and witty word puzzles, number riddles, and a vast array of cognitive challenges that will both entertain you and augment your analytical skills. With over 500,000 downloads earned by the Brain Go series, Brain Go 2 is on its way to becoming the top choice for puzzle and brain game enthusiasts. So if you are looking to improve your problem-solving, critical thinking and word analysis abilities or simply run your brain through amusing yet absurd trials, Brain Go 2 is the perfect choice.
Unleash your creativity by filling in the missing elements in drawings or finding every item you can on the screen.
Use the magnifying tool to scan images for hidden clues so you can progress to the next level.
Erase parts of the drawing and discover what’s hiding behind.
Think out set patterns to touch the screen, drag or erase parts of the image to solve the puzzle.
How To Play
This game offers an enthralling combination of fun and education, so every minute you invest in it feels worthwhile.
The easy accessibility and the option to share the game with friends and family make it an excellent choice for a group fun activity. At the end of the day, nothing beats an amusing game that also helps sharpen your brain simultaneously.